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City to recognize home beautification efforts

(Letter to the Editor, Marietta Times) As a school teacher, most times, I have found that human nature responds well to a pat on the back, a sticker or a cookie. Although negative reinforcement or consequences is sometimes what is needed, generally, positive reinforcement almost always generates a sense of teamwork and enthusiasm.

It is with this spirit in mind that I share some outstanding news in response to an expressed community need. During many meetings and forums on the topic of blight and property code reform, the issue of a home/residence beautification award was discussed. Currently, the city of Marietta has no formal home/residence award program. In response to this, a member of the Marietta City Council’s Planning, Zoning and Annexation committee met with representatives of the Marietta Board of Realtors to discuss the possibility of formulating such a program for the city and its residents. It’s no surprise to find enthusiastic hard workers amongst the Board of Realtors group and they agreed to take on the challenging task of developing such a program tailored to fit the needs of our small town. Over the winter, they diligently researched what worked in other towns and secured major sponsors such as the Times to help advertise this pilot program. A brief description of the program, debuting this spring, will be shared at the March 16 council meeting and I would not only like an extra opportunity to invite anyone that might have an interest (for clarification sake — all council meetings are open to the public), but also take this opportunity to publicly thank Charlotte Keim and Traci Strahler Chichester for their leadership and hard work!

This is just one of the many pieces of the large puzzle of addressing property concerns in Marietta. The group will need each and everyone’s help in securing nominations from all wards within the city, so please, if you have an interest in being part of one of the positive solutions, attend the March 16 council meeting or reach out to the Board of Realtors for a nomination form.

Cindy Oxender

City Councilor and

member of Planning, Zoning and Annexation Committee

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